Tuesday, April 17, 2007


y do i feel so down these days..stress? tired? or just PMISNG... argh really hate this feeling...has been ard for 2 days... brain just not workin properly and eyes feels so strained... hope that things will get better tml...

how come i dun feel any happier after i said and have done certain things? wat kind of feelings i shld get? hmmm sad? happy? relieved? confused? it is all sort of feeling tt i have.. really mixed and can't be describe... it has nt been really going smoothly for me at least for the past weeks.. alot of conflicting feelings.. y do i get this.. i am so unsure.. so uncertain.. abt everything.. am i in the wrong? have i done things which i shld not.. unsure again.. am i takin things too seriously... shld i just relax and take things easier.. it is just not me.. i dun want to think... not for now at least... i am so scared tt i may say things which i may not mean it.. i think i am not even making sense here.. okies better stop writing rubbish....